Nautical Miles To Meters Converter

To use our nautical miles to meters converter type the number of nautical miles into the nautical miles box, alternatively to convert meters to nautical miles type the number of meters into the meters box. Note that our converter converts international nautical miles to metres rather than Admiralty or US nautical miles.

Nautical Miles   Meters  
nm = m

Nautical Miles - Definitions

The international nautical mile is defined as 1852m, this definition being widely accepted in 1929 with only the United States, United Kingdom and Soviet Union taking some time to accept this definition.

The nautical mile is one of the few units where US customary units and UK imperial units are not the same, with the US nautical mile being 6080.20 feet (1853.245m) and the UK nautical mile, also known as the admiralty mile being 6080 feet (1853.184m). The US nautical mile was replaced by the international nautical mile in 1959 and the UK nautical mile in 1970.

The nautical mile was originally based on the length of 1 minute of arc along a meridian of the earth (meridian being north to south such that traveling 60 nautical miles north would be a change in 1 degree of latitude). The idea of using angular based measurement was originally proposed by Edmund Gunter, of chains and links fame, in the 17th century.

Nautical Miles To Meters Conversion Factor

1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters

Meter To Nautical Miles Conversion Factor

1 meter = 0.0005400 nautical miles

Imperial Length Units To Meters Converters

1 Meter Expressed In Imperial Units

  • 1 meter = 39.3700787 inches
  • 1 meter = 9.8425197 hands
  • 1 meter = 4.9709695 links
  • 1 meter = 3.2808399 feet
  • 1 meter = 1.0936133 yards
  • 1 meter = 0.5468066 fathoms
  • 1 meter = 0.1988388 rods/poles/perches
  • 1 meter = 0.0497097 chains
  • 1 meter = 0.0053961 cables
  • 1 meter = 0.0049709 furlongs
  • 1 meter = 0.0006214 miles
  • 1 meter = 0.0005400 nautical miles

Imperial Units Expressed As Meters

  • 1 inch = 0.0254 meters
  • 1 hand = 0.1016 meters
  • 1 link = 0.201168 meters
  • 1 foot = 0.3048 meters
  • 1 yard = 0.9144 meters
  • 1 fathom = 1.8288002 meters
  • 1 rod/pole/perch = 5.0291995 meters
  • 1 chain = 20.1167981 meters
  • 1 cable = 185.3190 meters
  • 1 furlong = 201.1708 meters
  • 1 mile = 1,609.344 meters
  • 1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters



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